Dú-oh (2023)
For two musicians: Soprano and Viola
Duration: 15’

An ocean of sung melodies and text fragments wrapped in the soundscape of the viola. They flow, evolve and stagnate.
Only to continue again, the same yet changed.

Written for and premiered by Dúplum Dúó at the 15:15 concert series, Reykjavík 2023.

Funded by Launasjóður tónskálda.

Umbra (2024)
solo bcl, fl(=bfl), ob(=bob), perc, pno, vln, vla, vlc.

Fade (2024)
violin, viola, cello.

The Fall (2024)
tenor saxophone, percussion, piano.

Dú-oh (2023)
soprano and viola.

Recursion (2022)
bass Oboe and synthesizer (Prophet 12).

Coda (2021/2022)
fl(=picc), cl(=bcl), hn, tpt, tbn, 2x perc, pno, 2x vln, vla, vlc, db.

Hollow (2021)
tenor saxophone, percussion, piano.

Etch (2020)
fl, cl (=bcl), pno, vln, vlc.

Poems for the fire (2019/2020)
soprano and double bass.

I (2019)
bfl (=fl) , bcl, perc, hrp.

Blind (2017)
bcl, tpt, tbn, bar.

Days of Silence (2017)
fl(=afl), cl(=bcl), perc, vln, sop

From which one cannot turn away (2016)
fl, ob, cl(=bcl), perc, pno, hrp, gtr, mand, vln, vla, vlc, db.

Through the whole fabric of my being (2015)
string quartet.